Regrettably, due to low bookings, this workshop has been cancelled. Please support in-person events by booking early!
Stay tuned to our newsletter for announcements on Andreas' next workshop dates.

Join Andreas Kornevall in person at the College in London for an immersive journey into the rituals, runes, folklore and initiations of Norse mythology and magic.

In this in-person workshop, Andreas will guide us through the magical talismans and amulets of the ancient world, from the Viking Age and beyond. We will explore how to understand them and what we can learn from them. He will also present an introduction to the runes.

Through storytelling and myth, we will discover the initiatory patterns that exist in fairy tales. Andreas will perform with music one of the finest esoteric fairytales from the Scandinavian lore named Princess Tuvstarr.

Andreas will also guide us through real practical psycho-magical exercises such as song making (Galder) and creating rune sigils. We will advance the idea of the oracular language: how we can access it, and how it can help us today and the greater community in which we live. This will include visualisations and journeying techniques, although you will also have the option to simply observe the practice. Andreas will also guide you through a traditional Anglo-Saxon land-healing practice.

Some of the material presented in this course has never been translated into English.


Entry requirements

  • This in-person workshop is especially for those with an interest in witchcraft, runes, alchemy, symbolism, Norse culture and Paganism.
  • All are welcome to come along regardless of experience, sexuality, and cultural/spiritual background: the spirit is warm and always enthusiastically inclusive.


Previous participants say:

"Andreas is wonderfully authentic in how he imparts his knowledge of the runes with poetry, myth, humour and wisdom. He holds the space beautifully and enables deep soul work to unfold. I would love to see more in-person workshops with Andreas at the college in the future."

"Andreas is a wonderful teacher - compassionate and sensitive, and very knowledgeable in Norsk matters. This course was a fascinating mix of the Tarot, Norsk Mythology (including Dragons) and Environmental issues."

"Absolutely beautiful and amazing experience! Thanks Andreas! So deep in his knowledge yet very down to earth approach. Everyone in our class was in awe of his teaching! Hundred stars."


This workshop is taking place in-person at our college in London

You can find the address and travel directions on our contact page - we'll also include all the information in your enrolment email.

About Andreas Kornevall

Image of course leader Andreas Kornevall Swedish author & ecologist Andreas Kornevall has worked with BBC radio, archaeological society Sussex Past & learning centres across the UK to revive the ancient Pagan Anglo-Saxon Creation Myth.
Read more about Andreas

Register your interest

If you're interested in finding out more about this workshop, please register below and we'll be in touch with more information once available.
