Alchemy & Art
Kate Southworth
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
Explore the relationship between spirit and soul, using a planchette to support your creative process, in this in-person workshop with artist Kate Southworth.
Members: £80.00
Non Members: £100.00 -
Past Event
Alchemy & Art
Kate Southworth
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
Link with alchemical Luna and Sol to explore the transformative relationship between spirit and soul in this creative in-person workshop.
Register for updates on future availability.
Past Event
Creating Visionary Art: A Journey to the Heart Temple
Saira Hunjan
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
Tap into your divine creativity in this intuitive and heart-centred in-person workshop.
Register for updates on future availability.
Past Event
Decoding Spirit Portraits: Learn to Draw Loved Ones & Spirit Guides
June-Elleni Laine
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
Invite spirit to guide your hand to draw those beyond the veil in this in-person workshop.
Register for updates on future availability.
Past Event
Empower Your Potential with Spirit-Inspired Art
June-Elleni Laine
Online Workshops - Open to all
Harness your innate creativity to enrich every aspect of your life in this experiential livestream workshop.
Register for updates on future availability.
Past Event
Explore the Subtle Energies of Colour
Hanelle Levine
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
Discover how different colours can open doorways to our imagination, psychic awareness and creative self in this in-person workshop with artist Hanelle Levine.
Register for updates on future availability.
Past Event
Learn to Draw Spirit Portraits
June-Elleni Laine
Online Workshops - Foundation
Discover how enjoyable - and fascinating - it is to draw the faces of those in Spirit in this 2-part livestream workshop for foundation-level and above.
Register for updates on future availability.
Past Event
Make Insightful Inner Portraits Inspired by Photographs
Melissa Alley
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
Work with vintage photos to activate your intuition and unleash your creativity in this fun in-person workshop.
Register for updates on future availability.
Past Event
Manifesting Your Creativity
Paola Bay
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
Join us in-person with artist Paola Bay to discover your unique creative expression, and receive guidance on how to bring it forward in this lifetime.
Register for updates on future availability.