During this in-person workshop with artist Nicole Frobusch, we will dive deep into the process of intuitive creation with clay. Quietening our mind, we allow our hands to guide us in forming the clay. The result: A deeply personal and sacred expression.

Join Nicole at the College for this therapeutic journey of creativity with clay. First, we will explore the sacred mythology of clay. We will then journey to the upper world to meet our spirit guides. This process will guide you to create something profound and special for your altar using the clay provided.

Nicole says it is always a great surprise to see what manifests during this process. She will be helping you throughout the process to bring more of your true self into your sculpture.

Finally, if time allows, Nicole will show you how to make a small ceremonial water vessel in the ancient coiling technique.

No need to bring anything - all clay and materials will be provided.


Entry requirements

  • All art materials will be provided.
  • Everyone is welcome - no artistic ability is necessary.


Previous participants say:

"Tutor was brilliant - great fun."

"I loved the workshop - it was very therapeutic and Nicole is an amazing teacher."

"I enjoyed the workshop and as we started creating our own designs it was a most relaxing and peaceful feeling."


Here's what to expect:

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This workshop is taking place in-person at our college in London

You can find the address and travel directions on our contact page - we'll also include all the information in your enrolment email.

About Nicole Frobusch

Image of course leader Nicole Frobusch Artist Nicole Frobusch creates her own pigments from raw materials. Her artistic practice honours the divine feminine, a sense of beauty and unity that transcends boundaries and time.
Read more about Nicole

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