Join Itzhak Beery for a magnificent vision quest with Guayusa dream tea, opening the senses as you enter the night mystery.

This extraordinary shamanic evening at The College of Psychic Studies explores the dimensions of dreamtime and altered states with ceremonial Guayusa tea. With shaman Itzhak as our trusted guide, we will honour the Guayusa tree's spirit with chants, songs and music. 

As we sip the sacred tea, we enter a deep meditative silence. We will encounter and communicate with our spirit guides and other spirits, enabling us to bring new visions and awareness into our lives.

Guayusa, similar to yerba maté or green tea, is a medicinal plant that contains caffeine (although without the jittery edges) and is filled with healthy antioxidants. It also has theobromine, found in chocolate, and L-theanine, found in green tea. 

This evening's experience is not hallucinatory. Guayusa simply activates the brain, allowing it to go deep into theta/delta states (below the level of the conscious mind), which will enable you to 'see' your vision.

Book now to meet the Guayusa plant teacher. After drinking this powerful brew, you will feel fully alive!


Previous participants say:

"I had a great experience with the ceremony and would highly recommend it."

"A very interesting evening. Full of knowledge and humour. Everyone left feeling extremely uplifted."

"Good healing energy throughout the event."

"I really enjoyed the workshop and got a huge amount from it. It took me to a deeper understanding of myself and I left with my soul feeling nourished."


Read more about what happens in a Guayusa ceremony here.


This workshop is taking place in-person at the College in London

You can find The College of Psychic Studies at 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB, UK. Visit our contact us page for travel directions. We'll also include all the information in your enrolment email.

About Itzhak Beery

Image of course leader Itzhak Beery Itzhak Beery is an internationally renowned shamanic teacher, healer, speaker, community activist and author. He was initiated by his Kichwa teacher in Ecuador and by Amazonian Kanamari Pajè in Brazil.
Read more about Itzhak

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Price: £85.00

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