The 7 Hermetic principles are rooted in Ancient Greece & Ancient Egypt, yet they are still so relevant today. They offer a road map to self-awareness; a helpful guide to every aspect of our life. Learn how to apply them in this livestream workshop.
The 7 Hermetic principles can be traced back to Hermes Trismegistus; a combination of the Ancient Egyptian god Thoth (Tehuti) and the Greek god Hermes, both gods of writing and magick. Hermes Trismegistus is named as the author of both the Emerald Tablet and the Corpus Hermeticum.
The 7 principles were passed on by word of mouth for thousands of years. In 1908, a mysterious group called the Three Initiates wrote The Kybalion. It was the first time the 7 principles were put into print, enabling us to access these previously secret teachings. In this livestream workshop, you'll explore how to apply the 7 Hermetic principles to every aspect of your life, empowering you to understand each moment with integrity and insight.

What happens in this unique workshop:
- We begin with a grounding meditation and a brief outline of Hermetic philosophy.
- We'll examine each principle, exploring its true meaning and discussing how we each relate to it. This is a great way to open ourselves up to the multiple facets and applications of each principle.
- With the 7 principles in our heart, Pixie will guide us on a shamanic drum journey to walk through the halls of darkness and emerge into the illumination of the sun: the journey to 'know thyself'.
- The workshop will close with a guided meditation.
"He who understands these principles has the golden key to whom all of the doors of the temple fly open."
Book now to learn and embody an empowering formula for truth; a formula that can change your life and your approach to every moment.
We will not be recording this workshop. One of the unique aspects of the College's online events is that they are highly interactive. Participants are encouraged to discuss and share with the tutor and the group. These sharings can be very personal, and some may not feel comfortable with them being recorded.
Previous participants say:
"It was really special. The energy was amazing. Pixie was great. After the ritual I felt more grounded and my heart chakra started to open. I definitely feel the healing."
"Pixie is a wonderful teacher and guide. The ceremony was enjoyable and enlightening. I will definitely be coming back for more."
"Really enjoyed it, Pixie was very attentive, really felt like she was talking to me."
"A wonderful and healing experience."
This workshop will be live in our online classroom
All you need to take part is a good internet connection and a computer with a webcam, microphone and Zoom.
On booking this workshop, you will receive an email with the Zoom link to access it. Remember to check your spam folder if you don't receive this confirmation email in your inbox.
Please send us a message if you have any questions. We hope you enjoy the workshop!
About Pixie P Carney

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