In this in-person workshop at the College in London, Lars Muhl and Naleea Landmann will share a healing awareness that is based on the consciousness of the 'I AM' – both in individual and group work.

Join us to learn the Law of Light, the Mystery Tradition of the Essenes and Therapists, into which Yeshua the Nazarene and Mariam the Magdalene were initiated, the Brother and Sisterhood of Light, the Celestial Host and our inner connection to the I AM, the sacred seed of power and consciousness within each of us.

We will experience the merging of the heart and the mind as a sacred union of the divine masculine and divine feminine principle in ourselves by using chanting, sound, mantras, movement, meditation, the sacred breath awareness, blessing and prayer to reach and experience within ourselves the Image of God (I AM) in which we are all created.

These practices will help us to merge with the highest aspects of the etheric field around us, connect to the Brother and Sisterhood of Light, receive a vision for our forthcoming months and will facilitate us to remember the intention with which we came to this earth plane, as well as the gifts and qualities which we have brought with us.


Entry requirements

  • Other than a serious interest in the above, no other qualifications are required.
  • Before you arrive at this workshop, please write an intention for the day.
  • Please bring a pen and paper.


Watch Lars Muhl sharing about the healing power of the "I AM" here.


Previous participants say:

"Lars Muhl exceeded my expectation. He was wonderful as he works on so many levels at the same time. I loved every minute and would attend anything he did in the future. Well done, CPS for getting such a high caliber speaker!"

"Easily one of the best workshops I've attended and I loved the vibe of the College."

"I enjoyed the day very much."

"It was a great experience and I loved the College, have never been there before."


This workshop is taking place in-person at our college in London

You can find the address and travel directions on our contact page - we'll also include all the information in your enrolment email.

About the Presenters

Image of course leader Lars Muhl

Lars Muhl

International speaker, healer, author and mystic, Lars Muhl is widely known for his fastidious research on and interest in sacred gnostic texts and the true teachings of Yeshua of Nazareth.
Read more about Lars
Image of course leader Naleea Landmann

Naleea Landmann

Naleea Landmann lives in Germany and works as a healer, translator, singer and actress. Her vision is to live within a world of heart-centred beings.
Read more about Naleea

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This workshop has already taken place, please register below and we'll let you know when it runs next.
