In this in-person workshop, we will focus on healing the solar plexus chakra, exploring the signs of power and powerlessness, how to take back our power, and how to live happily alongside the power of others.
What is the proper balance between our will and power, and that of others? Some of us don't know our own power and others use or misuse their power, becoming excessively self-conscious or excessively controlling. This in-person workshop focuses on the energy of the solar plexus chakra, teaching you how to be more comfortable with your own power and what you want in life.
Solar plexus chakra imbalance can show up as:
- Low self-esteem
- Anger
- Lack of confidence
- Obstinacy
- Excessive reliance on calculation or planning
- Guilt or shame
Physical problems include:
- Digestive disorders
- Problems with eyes, skin or liver
- Stomach problems
- Sleeping disorders
- Muscle weakness
This in-person workshop will show you how to improve your communication with the solar plexus chakra. You will learn to understand it and harmonise with the power that it delivers you. We will explore how to boost our self-confidence and strengthen our will. We will also examine themes around anger and releasing the ties of difficult relationships, past and present.
Book now to discover, heal, and empower the solar plexus chakra for a powerful leap forward in your journey of self-development and transformation.
This in-person workshop is part of an ongoing chakra series with Anna Parkinson at The College of Psychic Studies. It can be powerful and meaningful as a standalone workshop, or it can be enjoyed within the context of the whole series. If you wish to enjoy more chakra workshops in the series, there is no need to take them in any order. Stay tuned to the newsletter for announcements on the next workshop in the series.
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With: Anna Parkinson
Booking & More Info
Previous participants say:
"Very informative & I took away lots of learning. I look forward to doing more classes with Anna Parkinson."
"Very good structure to the workshop. Nice mix of theory and practice."
"Great day!"
"Really brilliant. Clear confident presentation, very good communicator, took my understanding of many things I already knew to a different level. Very impressed."
"Anna Parkinson is engaging and very inspiring."
This workshop is taking place in-person at our college in London
You can find the address and travel directions on our contact page - we'll also include all the information in your enrolment email.
About Anna Parkinson

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