Join Liesl, Archangel Metatron and many healing angels and guides for this special in-person workshop where you can learn to use the Platinum Ray energy for protection, healing, transformation and high-vibrational being.

In this workshop at the College in London, we will focus on heart-prosperity living with the angels of abundance. We will work with Archangel Metatron who helps us find balance and supports us to let go of all that no longer serves us.

Additionally, we will be visiting the Angelic and Galactic Federation of Light for guidance and healing to support and empower us with our own personal journeys and bring comfort and support.

This workshop will consist of guided meditations, channelled messages and practical exercises to connect with the many beings of light and love who serve on this ray of hope.

"It is time to remember that you are part of the divine cosmos of love and a truly important part. At this time of transition on earth we angels want you to know that you are loved, that you are in us and we are in you, one divine cosmic breath of love. It is time to remember who you truly are, to know that you are all worthy to receive all you need to live in light and truth and joy." - Archangel Metatron


Previous participants say:

"JOYFUL! The workshop spoke to my HEART! So lovely meeting all attending the workshop, such an inspiring group. Thank YOU!"

"Thoroughly enjoyed my day at the college & in the company of the wonderful Liesl. She is so full of life & oozes love. She has such a rapport with everyone. Loved the meditations, the laughs & all the information. An incredible day."

"Excellent event, and the perfect room filled with the lovely presence of the Archangels. Unforgettable wonderful energy in the beautiful presence of divine beings, and Liesl is incredibly fantastic at bringing the dimension of the Archangels and Goddesses alive."

"Wonderfully uplifting class in a relaxed and fun environment. Bravo."


This workshop is taking place in-person at our college in London

You can find the address and travel directions on our contact page - we'll also include all the information in your enrolment email.

About Liesl Duffy

Image of course leader Liesl Duffy Having trained at the College, Liesl now works with the angels, guides and ascended masters to offer guidance that can assist her clients in all areas including relationships, career, life purpose and spirituality.
Read more about Liesl

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This workshop has already taken place, please register below and we'll let you know when it runs next.
