Other Lives Transformation
Giancarlo Serra
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
Who are you in another life? Find out, and release long-held blocks from other incarnations, in this in-person workshop.
Members: £105.00
Non Members: £125.00 -
The Wise Woman's Compass: Navigating Life's Changes with Ancient Oracles
Dr Lisa Langer
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
This in-person workshop offers wisdom for women on navigating life's transitions with grace.
Members: £105.00
Non Members: £125.00 -
A Demonstration of Psychic Mediumship: An Evening of Connection
Maria Antoniou
In-Person Talks - Open to all
Join tutor Maria Antoniou for an uplifting in-person evening demonstration of psychic mediumship.
Members: £25.00
Non Members: £27.00 -
Journey into Mediumship: Exploring Spirit Communication
Sarah Tyler-Walters
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
This in-person workshop is a unique opportunity to delve into the mechanics of spirit communication.
Members: £105.00
Non Members: £125.00 -
Kundalini: Navigating the Experience
Ann Mathie
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
What, exactly, is the mysterious kundalini? And how should we safely navigate a kundalini awakening? Find out in this in-person workshop...
Members: £70.00
Non Members: £90.00 -
Finding Your Unique Voice: The Throat Chakra
Anna Parkinson
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
This in-person workshop focuses on healing the throat chakra, the source of your intuition and self-expression.
Members: £105.00
Non Members: £125.00 -
Life Path Guidance with Merlin, the Avalon goddesses and the Angels of Atlantis
Liesl Duffy
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
Journey with us to Avalon and Atlantis in this magical in person workshop.
Members: £105.00
Non Members: £125.00 -
Expand Your Aura with Kundalini Yoga
Gemma Bliss
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
In this evening's in-person kundalini yoga class, we will be working with enjoyable music, meditation and movement to enhance the radiance of our aura.
Members: £30.00
Non Members: £35.00 -
The Night Watchman: Amazonian Guayusa Dream Tea Ceremony
Itzhak Beery
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
Join us in person for a powerful vision quest with a brew made from the potent healing leaves of Guayusa.
Members: £65.00
Non Members: £85.00 -
Discover Your Soul Song With The Icaro
Itzhak Beery
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
Immerse in the sacred power of the Icaro - shamanic medicine songs - in this in-person workshop.
Members: £105.00
Non Members: £125.00 -
Shamanic Soul Mending for a Return to Wholeness
Itzhak Beery
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
This in-person workshop guides you to retrieve your lost soul fragments for a deep multidimensional healing.
Members: £105.00
Non Members: £125.00 -
Sacred Space Earth Energy Dowsing
Vicky Sweetlove
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
This two-day in-person workshop teaches you how to rebalance your living spaces with the elementals, Mother Earth and your home's 'spirit of place'.
Members: £210.00
Non Members: £250.00