The Rare Clair Senses: Clairolfaction

Whether it's a grandmother who wore Chanel No. 5 or a father who loved a seasonal cigar, scents can enrich our psychic mediumship. Discover how to develop the less common clair sense of clairolfaction...

By: The College of Psychic Studies.   Posted

We all have clair senses, or psychic senses. Some of us are clairvoyant (we see things), others clairaudient (we hear in our inner ear), others clairsentient (we feel it in our gut), and others claircognizant (we just know), and so on. Our clair senses are the mode by which our intuition expresses itself. Recognising our own, predominant clair sense is one of the first things we learn in our psychic mediumship development at The College of Psychic Studies. For many of us, our predominant clair sense will be one of the more common ones listed above - and by 'common', we certainly don't mean 'less special'! But for some of us, our predominant clair sense is a little rarer, such as clairolfaction.  

What is clairolfaction?

Clairolfaction, also known as clear smelling, is a psychic sense with which we can perceive smells that have no apparent physical source. For example, those with clairolfacience may sense aromas like flowers, smoke, perfume, or other odours. These scents are not of this world, in that, we cannot easily locate the source of the fragrance in the here and now. Rather, the aromas are connected with etheric beings or particular places or events from a different time. It is a wonderful clair sense, and can enrich our psychic mediumship by bringing in an ability to recognise a grandmother whose signature scent was Chanel No. 5, or a grandfather who enjoyed a Cuban cigar!

How to become clairolfacient

When you train to become a psychic medium at The College of Psychic Studies, you will soon discover that you can develop, with patience and practice, your clair senses. This doesn't just mean honing and strengthening your natural, predominant clair sense. It also means you can develop those that did not previously come as easily to you. This includes, of course, developing your proficiency in clairolfaction. Indeed, it's a wonderful skill to have alongside clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience etc, as it can offer more insight, more clarity, more perspective.

Developing your clairolfaction can be nurtured through a combination of practices. You will learn these in our psychic mediumship courses (start with a beginner's course). In the meantime, here are some steps you can take to help cultivate this unique clair sense:

Get the basics right

As any of our tutors will tell you, if you want to develop your psychic abilities, whether that's clairvoyance or clairolfaction, a regular meditation practice is key. Those who are serious about their psychic development will cultivate a daily practice, and will be fierce with their adherence to it! They know that it serves their psychic mediumship in that it helps to quieten the mind and sharpen the awareness so we can more articulately pick up information through our clair senses. Additionally, any psychic development work requires a firm foundation in grounding and protection to hold a safe space for your development. These are all topics that you'll explore in our beginner's courses.

Strengthen your sense of smell

Just as a sommelier can navigate the world of fine wines, and identify those 'undertones of cacao' and 'hints of plum', we must develop a decent vocabulary of scents. Work on distinguishing subtle shades of fragrance. It can make all the difference to the impact of your message. Compare a vague 'there's a fragrance of flowers,' to, 'This was a person who loved lily-of-the-valley - their favourite scent was Amarige de Givenchy!' Or, another example: When walking into Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's office at The College of Psychic Studies, some may pick up on a vague scent of tobacco. Compare this recognition to - 'Aha! This was someone who enjoyed a cigar!' (Yes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle did, indeed, smoke cigars in the President's Office at the College. Develop your clairolfacience, and you will smell it too!)

Keep a psychic journal

It's great practice on any journey of self-development to keep a journal to track your progress. This includes observing any smells, especially those that appear without a clear physical source. Write down the circumstances, your surroundings, and any intuitive feelings associated with the scent. Over time, patterns or connections might become clearer. 

Additionally, different smells may evoke memories or emotions. Write in your journal how certain scents make you feel, as psychic smells often come with emotional or intuitive messages. Remember, spirit communicates with us through signs, symbols, colours, scents and more. The more we can train ourselves to observe these, to notice them, and discover what they mean to us, the stronger our vocabulary of meanings and significance will become.

Ask for guidance

As you will start learning from day one in our psychic mediumship courses, we are never alone in our psychic mediumship work. We have a tribe of guides and helpers alongside us, supporting our every step on this journey. They are delighting in your development, as the stronger your psychic senses, the clearer you can hear them! Ask your team of spirit guides to support the development of your clair senses - not just your predominant clair, but your clairolfaction, too. When you smell a fragrance that appears to be 'not of this world', ask your guides what it might signify. The scent of roses may mean love, while the scent of frankincense might suggest spirituality or religion. Your guides can clarify questions like these.

Join a course at The College of Psychic Studies

Of course, we may be biased, but the best way to develop your clair senses is in a psychic mediumship development course at The College of Psychic Studies. We are really proud of the high calibre of our psychic mediumship tutors, many of whom trained at the College themselves. They know exactly what you are going through, and offer you tried and tested steps to develop your clair senses in the most effective ways possible. It really is the journey of a lifetime, and what you learn in our courses will serve you for decades to come.

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