The Spirit Doctor Team is a multidimensional entourage of healers, physicians and shamans who once walked the earth plane, and now continue to work with us from spirit side. Susan Gash has been teaching at the College with them since 2016. Her courses receive consistently glowing feedback, and we are delighted to witness a growing number of Spirit Doctor Team Practitioners among our alumni! For those who have not yet had the pleasure of an introduction, here Susan shares a little more about the Spirit Doctor team and how they work with us.

Who - or what - are Spirit Doctors?
"For me, the team presents as a collective. The physicians may step forward for a particular healing, the earth shamans join in when ceremony is needed, and the cosmic shamans will bring heightened consciousness. All in all, they work as a unified whole as they move in and out and are called upon. Many who receive the team's work have seen individual doctors at times. The first time I heard the Spirit Doctors speak was when two of them were having a consultation about the woman sitting next me. That experience created a profound shift in my reality - to know the invisible realm is as real as our visible world and that multidimensional beings are happily ready to assist us."
How did you start working with the Spirit Doctors?
"I began my journey with the Spirit Doctors by first receiving their healing work. When our teacher passed away, she passed this beautiful legacy on to me. It was a profound gift and moment that took a few years to fully step into and embrace. I have been a practitioner for 18 years and in 2018 was guided to create the Spirit Doctor Team Practitioner Programme. We call ourselves the ground crew. I now understand getting the practitioner training up and running and ready was to prepare for this current time when healers are most needed on the planet. As I look back through the journey, it reflects a process of saying 'yes', developing courage to follow my heart, and expanding, step by step. As I develop, the Spirit Doctor work is able to expand. It is a beautiful relationship that continues to grow and flourish."

Can you describe how they work?
"Once, the Spirit Doctors transported a client into a large onyx crystal cave for a recalibration of his light body. Sometimes, the Team will take someone to a specific location or dimension that will enhance the work and the healing process. It turned out that client loved black onyx. It was suggested he take himself to the cave when he meditated so that the crystalline properties would assist him with his deepening process. There are so many beautiful stories to share! One sentiment that consistently comes up with the Spirit Doctors is: "If you could see yourself as we see you… beautiful beings to behold. Begin to see yourself as we see you." I believe we can all heal and become whole again by doing that very thing."
Do we each have our own unique Spirit Doctor Team?
"Many people have teams of spirits, angels, or guides that work with them. Sometimes guides come along at a certain juncture in our life or for a set amount of time to assist us with our growth. There are many ways spirit can work with us, we just need to pay attention, notice the signs, and tune in through our breath and meditation. Once we do, synchronicities occur, insights drop in, and our intuition increases."

How have the Spirit Doctors helped you in your life?
"Tremendously. When something comes up and I need healing or guidance, I simply tune into them and ask for their help. One of the aspects of doing this work or training to become a Spirit Doctor Team practitioner is that you continue to receive their healing work as you facilitate healing for others. A win-win situation and a lovely bonus."
How can the Spirit Doctors help us individually?
"The Spirit Doctors work with energy. Light is their main tool for healing. They can assist an individual with clearing of a disharmony or disturbance in the physical or energetic body. They readily give insights, remedies, and guidance for a client to continue on with their healing process as well."
Are Spirit Doctors similar to angels, spirit guardians and helpers?
"The Spirit Doctors are unique in a sense in that they work with healing tools they did not have access to while on earth. For example, they have created chambers to saturate a person with pure oxygen and clear blockages found in the meridian lines to restore the flow of life force energy. They draw upon one's soul record or Akashic Record to clear a past trauma still active, or assist by bringing forward a previous gift to be utilised again in this lifetime. I once witnessed them walking a person through a projected future time line to resolve a current issue. As we become more open to receiving assistance from Spirit, they will find a way to make themselves known to us. As we expand ourself and quiet our mind, spirit finds us."
"For it is when you take time to be with Spirit that Spirit can be with you. We are listening... we are present." - The Spirit Doctor Team
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