Mapping Ley Lines & the Earth's Energy Grid

What do Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid and The College of Psychic Studies (perhaps!) have in common? Ley lines. We map out the world's most powerful energy centres...

By: The College of Psychic Studies.   Posted

Many students have suggested that The College of Psychic Studies at 16 Queensberry Place, London, is on a ley line, and forms a crucial node on the Earth's energy grid. Having been a beacon of light and an important centre for spiritual studies at this address for 100 years in 2025, we concur! However, there are 'official' ley lines on the Earth grid that many of us in England are fortunate enough to have experienced first-hand. Here, we look a little closer at why ley lines, in the greater context of the Earth's energy grid, are so interesting to us as spiritual seekers…

What are ley lines?

Ley lines are energetic alignments of ancient sites, geographic features, or significant landmarks, that are connected by an invisible but highly energised lines charted across the landscape. These alignments hold spiritual significance, as they connect us across time and space with our ancestors and their wisdom. Tracking ley lines, and exploring the energy of the sacred sites upon them, is a powerful and rewarding experience. Whether you visit these sites in person, or via remote viewing, it is always an extraordinary revelation – and a true blessing – to sense into their very special energy.

Learn about ley lines in this workshop:

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Where do ley lines come from?

We have British antiquarian and archaeologist Alfred Watkins (1855–1935) to thank for the concept of ley lines. He wrote about these sacred energetic maps in the early 20th century in his book The Old Straight Track (1925). In it, Watkins suggests that ancient structures like stone circles, churches, and burial mounds were purposefully aligned along these ley lines. 

Notable ley lines around the world

Of course, Watkins, being British, favoured the landscapes of England, marking St Michael's Ley Line one of the most famous in the world. However, there are many more ley lines connecting sacred sites around the globe. And if you know what you are looking for in terms of the energetic signature or imprint of a ley line, you will be able to start mapping them for yourself, and can perhaps add to this list. Here are a few of the more famous ones to get you started…

St. Michael's Line in England

Many spiritually inclined visitors to England make a beeline for its big hits: Glastonbury Tor and Avebury stone circle. These two special sites lie on the world-renowned St Michael's Line, a famous ley line running from Land's End through St. Michael's Mount in Cornwall to Burrowbridge Mump in Somerset. Those who have joined our regular school trips to Avebury will have felt the incredible energy of this powerful ley line - once visited, there can be no doubt that this is, indeed, a very special spot.

There is another big hit not mentioned above, and Stonehenge needs no introduction. Apart from being THE place to be every solstice, it is a fascinating neolithic site that is rich with history, mythology, mystery and spiritual significance. The location of Stonehenge forms a perfect equilateral triangle to St Michael's ley line with Avebury in Wiltshire and the Tor in Glastonbury.

The Apollo–Athena Axis in Europe

The Apollo-Athena Ley Line connects important ancient sites across Europe through places like Mont Saint-Michel (France) and continuing through Delphi (Greece) to the Temple of Apollo in Athens. These are sites historically linked with the gods Apollo and Athena.

The Paris Meridian Ley Line in France

Also known as the Rose Line, this ley line runs along the Paris Meridian, a line similar to the Prime Meridian. It aligns with ancient structures like Chartres Cathedral and is associated with myths of hidden energy beneath Paris, as popularised in novels like The Da Vinci Code.

The Nazca Lines in Peru

The Nazca Lines in Peru are a famous set of large geoglyphs in the desert that have been linked to ley lines by some researchers. These enormous drawings of animals and shapes align with astronomical events and are believed by some to be part of a vast ley line system.

The Rainbow Serpent in Australia

Deeply sacred to Indigenous Australians, Uluru is also a significant point in the global ley line grid. Known by many as the solar plexus of the world, the magnetic point of Uluru connects to Lake Titicaca and Uluwatu along the female great dragon ley line, known as the rainbow serpent in Australia.

The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt

Many believe the mysterious Great Pyramid is mapped to the stars, and aligns with powerful ley lines that cross through significant ancient sites, including the Sphinx and the ancient temples of Luxor and Karnak. If you have been lucky enough to visit, you will be familiar with the powerful energy of this incredible site. 

Mount Shasta in California, US

A popular spiritual hotspot in the US, Mount Shasta is referred to by many as the root chakra of the world. This immense mountain features in many Native American creation myths as the birthplace of humanity. It is also associated with much mysterious activity, with reports of meetings with ascended masters and even frequent sightings of Big Foot. It is thought to lie on an important ley line as a vital node in the Earth's spiritual energy grid.

Serpent Mound in Ohio, US

Perhaps you've watched Graham Hancock's brilliant but controversial Ancient Apocalypse on Netflix. In this series, he draws attention to the ancient site of the Serpent Mound in Ohio. This prehistoric effigy mound is another site believed to be aligned with Native American ley lines, which also connects with Teotihuacan in Mexico.

These are just a few of the ley lines that map our Earth's energy grid. There are, of course, many more. And one of the most interesting ways of experiencing the world is along its ley lines! 

Journey around the Earth Grid in this workshop:

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