Inspiration from the Elements Art Competition 2024 Virtual Exhibition

Of the hundreds of entries we received for our 2024 Art Competition, we present the shortlisted artists, judges' choices, runners-up, and Mimei Thompson's winning piece. Enjoy!

By: The College of Psychic Studies.   Posted

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We received more than 600 submissions from around the world for our Inspiration from the Elements art competition 2024. Entries included everything from paintings and drawings to textiles, sculpture, film and photography, and we loved seeing every single one! From this incredible selection, the four judges each chose their entries for the shortlist of 41. Of the shortlist, they selected one of their favourites to become their judge's choice. And finally, they unanimously agreed on the two runners-up and the winning piece. Today, we announce the results of the 2024 Inspiration from the Elements art competition...

Congratulations to our winner!

Congratulations to Mimei Thompson on a well-deserved win! The judges were unanimous in selecting your artwork as the winner of the Inspiration from the Elements 2024 art competition.

First runner-up

Second runner-up

Our judges' choices

From more than 600 entries, our four judges each selected 10 works to go to the shortlist. Of their select list of 10 artworks, they chose one as their favourite. Here, we present the judges' choices...

Our shortlisted artists

In alphabetical order, all shortlisted artists from which our judges' choices were selected:

Abby McGarrFire FlowerAdrian Haak, Jr.Quaternity; Alexandra JabreBathroom Selfie (never alone); Alma HvalsøePhoenix Dreamscape: Elements of Enigma; Amy Barnesturbulent waterAmy GranthamEnergy and Form; Anji Main, Hawthorn; Annette-Marie O'Donnell, Santa Muerte, the Four CornersBoukje JanssenThe Elements; Carrie NeissFairy FrancesCharlotte ParkinsonFrom Ether a World is Born; Christelle Pasquet (Saana Luz)Listen to the heartbeat of the world and findClaire RudlandSacred Mother; Dawn WestFlint, Mist, Drift; Eleanor Sara DarleyFire and Wind, Xango Iansa; Emily Ryan StarkSubtle Pathways of Perception; Golnaz Meidal, SEEING THE EXTRAORDINARY IN THE MUNDANE (Inner Child Portrait with Spirit); Hannah Maxwell, The Sweetest Spring; Hazel FlorenzVenusian Conduit; Holly WarburtonRising From The Ashes; Jason McDonaldA rainbow bridge I had hoped to build; John A. RiceTemperance; Julie Goldsmith, Ghost Dauphin and Candle; Junghun LeeInhabitantsK A LaityShe DancesKaren Dove EdwardsHeart Protection Angel - Heart ExposedLeigh Ann Willar McDonaghMy Crooked Spine Is Firmly Rooted in the Divine; Marianne Walker, Flaque Nocturne (night puddle); Marie PerretEarth's Upper Atmosphere; Michele Hope, Untitled; Mohor BanerjeeThe rare carbon girlNicole FrobuschMessages from the EARTH; Parker GreenwoodDreamscapeRachel ThompsonBuried Landscape - (merging earth and water); RivaETALFive Alive; Sandra Guascone, Untitled; Serena Corson, Mama SirenSteve Sheasby, A component of A Shuffle of Many Things; Telle YangStretch Out; Tia Maria Taylor Berry, Ten of Cups; Yassica Ferrer, The Divine Spark of Creation

Congratulations to all our artists!

We have presented the shortlisted works, including Mimei Thompson's winning piece and our two runners-up, in this 10-minute virtual exhibition. Congratulations to everyone who made it into the shortlist!

Thank you to EVERYONE for submitting your work for this art competition. Missed this one? Stay tuned to the newsletter for updates on next year's competition. And in the meantime, keep creating!