Before Maria Antoniou started teaching psychic mediumship and intuitive development at The College of Psychic Studies, she was a long-term student here. However, her psychic and mediumship gifts go back much further - she has been deeply intuitive since childhood. Here, Maria shares how she became a psychic medium, and the techniques - and surprises! - that helped her along the way.

When did you first suspect you were psychic?
"I've always been psychic from childhood, but never able to make sense of my experiences or shed light on them. As a child, it's challenging enough trying to decipher the world around you, let alone anything beyond this reality. It took me several years to become curious to confront the past and understand what was real or imagined."
How did you develop your psychic abilities?
"My spiritual journey evolved from working in a psychic circle to angelic work. Most of this training was at The College of Psychic Studies. I went on to develop my mediumship through the Spiritualist churches, The Arthur Findlay College and Belgravia Square Spiritualist Association. I continued with my education at the College with workshops and a psychic mediumship course."
How did you know you were ready to give readings?
"I began working as a Platform Medium before I gave my first private sitting. After three years of development, I decided to take a leap of faith. I went to my local Spiritualist church and asked for an opportunity to work on their platform. They kindly put my name in their books. That very week, I was offered an opportunity - a cancellation had just manifested – to work demonstrating mediumship on their platform. I don't even know how I managed to do it. I was terrified and excited all at the same time! My first private mediumship reading was at The College of Psychic Studies when I became a probationer."

Who is your spirit guide?
"My guide is a Chinese man called Ping, which means peaceful. Guides are very accurate, but one must establish the harmonious bond which can take several years. It's a partnership you must develop, therefore this endeavour requires patience. When established, the guide is a personality within your auric field (a sense of over-shadowing your inner voice). The guide's thoughts, guidance and voice becomes the dominant presence - you become their instrument. The vibration of this connection is fast. Of course, with this type of work, it depends how far you want to take it."
Can you share your journey with The College of Psychic Studies?
"The College has always been an integral part of my education in some form or another. CPS offered diversity, and I appreciated acquiring new skills and working with professional, trustworthy teachers in a building full of spiritual heritage. I cannot say there was a specific time I was away from the College; I was always learning something there."

What are your most effective psychic & mediumship development techniques?
"To work on your abilities technically, to build your trust and confidence with spirit and above all to be patient. This is energy work, and one must learn how to control their energy - that takes time. Once a strong foundation is established, you can work outside of that technical boundary with inspiration."
Can you share an extraordinary moment in your experience?
"I've had many strange experiences in my life. Used battery lights that had been dead for a number of months just turning on and working again. Ghost walking out of walls. But the strangest experience happened many years ago. My kettle had broken, so I put a saucepan on the gas stove to heat my water and walked into the living room. Suddenly I heard a loud, piercing whistle which vibrated in every corner of my flat. It was coming from the kitchen! I ran back into the kitchen and was stopped dead in my tracks by my cat's reaction. His ears were flattened against his head, he was reacting to the shrill sound. I did not sense fear, more avid curiosity! His eyes were fixated on the saucepan. He was trying to get a better look at what was happening. I recall thinking, 'It can't possibly be the saucepan whistling like an old-fashioned kettle - can it?' I moved the now boiling water away from the gas stove. As I did so the sound diminished till it stopped."
What advice would you give someone who wants to become a psychic medium?
"Enjoy the journey, enjoy the experience of sitting in class, and develop a good, stable foundation. It doesn't matter how talented you are, without the technique, support and structure behind the talent, you're not maximising your potential. You become like water where you need to be the clear vessel, that supports and holds the gift together."
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