The Spirit Doctor Team is a stellar group of light beings who once walked the earth plane as physicians, healers, and shamans, and who continue to work with us from spirit side.
They invite you into a profound working relationship with them in this eight-month practitioner programme. At the end of the programme a certificate of completion will be issued by the College and signed by a College official and Susan Gash, the course director.
This livestream programme is for healing practitioners or for those who are comfortable and already familiar working with healing energy. It is not for those who are wishing to learn how to become a healer.
The programme comfortably familiarises you with the Spirit Doctor Team's tools, showing you the most effective ways to work with them and to bring this knowledge and healing into the world. On a personal level, this programme is also a profound journey in trust and inner work. One's willingness to expand and grow is essential throughout the eight months.

Whether you are a healer, nurse, counsellor, or energy worker, you are being summoned to step up and bring these tools to the world.
You may wish to take the 6-week course: 'Working with the 'Spirit Doctors & the Spirit World' or 'Deepening Your Work with the Spirit Doctor Team & the Spirit World', to explore the healing work and discover if this practitioner programme is right for you.
Here's what to expect:
Entry requirements
- This course is suitable for those who are already healers or energy workers. Counsellors and those in the medical professions may also find this work beneficial.
- A private one-to-one Spirit Doctor healing session or participation in a group Spirit Doctor healing. A one-to-one session will cost £150 and will be non-refundable, regardless as to whether you are accepted onto the programme or not.
- You must be able to meditate for periods of up to 30 minutes, so an existing meditative practice is a prerequisite.
- It is highly recommended to have in place outside resources for personal support if you are accepted onto the course and thus begin the profound process of developing and augmenting your healing practice.
- If you would like to explore whether this programme is right for you, we will arrange an online chat for you with Susan. Please contact us at to set this up.
- To book your place on this programme, click 'Book now'.
- There are two payment options: pay in full, or pay in two instalments. If you would prefer a payment plan with alternative dates, please contact us at to discuss.
- Once you have booked, you will be sent an application form and an interview will be arranged with Susan. If it is felt by Susan that the practitioner programme is not right for you, the full amount of your booking will be refunded.
- If your enrolment and application is successful, any payments made, or future scheduled payments, will be non-refundable and payable.
- The Spirit Doctor Team Practitioner Programme is a great next step for those who have completed Working with the Spirit Doctors & the Spirit World OR Deepening Your Work with the Spirit Doctors & Spirit World. You do not need to have completed these courses to join.
Your 8-module journey with the Spirit Doctor Team:
Throughout this course, Susan and the Spirit Doctor Team will draw upon your unique set of gifts and intuition to allow the work to come through you. To fully understand, build, and implement your working relationship with the Team, we will explore and put into practice the 8 key foundational pillars of this work:
Pillar One (over two days) - Tuning In: The Invitation and Invocation (18-19 May)
Here is where you will meet up with the Spirit Doctors in the deepest parts of yourself. Through guided meditation, breathwork, movement, and sharing of insights, we touch into the realms and places where the Team's work and communication reside. Preparing to work with the Team involves a deep settling within and creation of sacred space. In this Pillar, the invitation to work together is initiated and the invocation to call upon them is given.
Day 1: Recognition and Acknowledgement (18 May)
Ceremonially gather in the etheric Healing Temple for an initiation, welcome and course overview. We end the day by receiving a Spirit Doctor Team Healing.
Day 2: Tuning In (19 May)
Energetic and auric body strengthening to awaken the circuitry within to hold cosmic and earth based wisdoms, using guided visualization, sound and music. Practice to allow the flow of these energies to move through and within you.
Homework: Exchange Sessions
Pillar Two - The Sacred Gift of Trust (15 June)
As your relationship with the Team develops, learning how to fully trust your intuition is a critical step to embracing this work. Clearing any blocks such as old belief systems and/or cultural/familial imprints that might be preventing your expansion and forward movement will be explored. In this Pillar, your predominant gifts and ways of receiving information will be explored and honed.
Homework: Exchange Sessions
Pillar Three - The Toolbox (20 July)
What is in the Tool Box? The Spirit Doctors access Light and futuristic healing methods to do their work and draw upon ancient earth wisdoms for healing. Partnering with them gives you access to their wide range of healing capabilities thus broadening your scope of healing potential for yourself and others. Insights and guidance are often given. Clearing energetic debris opens up passageways for life force energies to circulate and provide restoration. In this Pillar, the many dimensions and levels of the Tool Box are explored.
Homework: Exchange Sessions
Pillar Four - Interaction (17 August)
Collaboration with the Team. How you work with the Spirit Doctors is individual to you. In this Pillar, you will uncover your particular style, predominant sense, and best method for working with the Team. As you tune into their frequency, you develop a sense, a feeling tone, and a way in which to receive their communication; you develop your ability to perceive what is taking place, as well as receive the information given while discovering your role in the process.
Homework: Exchange Sessions
Pillar Five - Interpretation (14 September)
Receiving and Transcribing information. How you receive information from the Team is unique to you. The Team transmits through visual, auditory, and sensory means. In this Pillar, your predominant way of receiving information will be harnessed and expanded to include secondary and tertiary ways. Trusting your perceptions is key to allowing the information to flow through you. Pillar 5 is a process and an unfolding, inviting you into a deeper and more integrated relationship with the energies of the Spirit Doctor Team.
Homework: Exchange Sessions
Pillar Six - You: A Standing Pillar of this Healing (12 October)
Anchoring in your role as a Spirit Doctor Team Practitioner and actualizing yourself as a vital component to the Team's healing work. We explore any remaining remnants or obstacles standing in the way of facilitating this work. We will revisit the Healing Temple for each new practitioner to rightfully take their place among the healers who have come before them and who will come after.
Pillar Seven - Embodiment (16 November)
What does it mean to embody the energies, frequencies, and vibrations of the Team? Being part of the Spirit Doctor Team is taking steps, actions, and clearing any inner blocks towards expanding yourself as a container for both the Team's work and your work to merge. This pillar is a reclamation of your multidimensional aspect, one that brings the Team's work to the earth plane through and with you. We will be addressing how to lead group healing sessions, both remotely and in-person.
Pillar Eight - Implementation (14 December)
Setting your Practice in Motion. Your role as a Spirit Doctor Team practitioner is anchored within you. In this Pillar, your practice to assist others with their healing process has begun. Here, you will be putting all the pillars into place. Working with the Spirit Doctor Team is an ever expanding experience in which they continue to work with you as you work with them. It is a given that the Team will assist you with your own personal development and healing as well as your role as a practitioner with them. We will be making a ceremonial visit to the Healing Temple to initiate each participant into their role as Spirit Doctor Team Practitioners.
Additional sessions included in the course price
A One-to-One Session
with Susan Gash
At a convenient time during the 8-month course
This livestream session, which we will arrange individually during the eight-month course, is a very valuable time to connect with you, as well as reflect upon your journey.
Foundations for Becoming a Spirit Doctor Team Practitioner
with Judith Jeans
Saturday 13 July, 5-7pm UK time
This masterclass teaches you:
- Creating sacred space
- Building a safe container for your clients, or groups
- Confidentiality, ethics
- Trust
- Practical aspects to consider
Running a Spirit-based Business
with Li-Sann Mullings
Saturday 9 November, 5-7pm UK time
This masterclass teaches you:
- 3 Foundational Pillars to create a thriving, Spirit Based Practice.
- Best practices and strategies; partnering and networking
- Value: yours, your client, the work, and currency exchange
- Discover ways you might be sabotaging your success and slowing momentum within your business. How to detect any blind spots regarding money and heal them.
- Visioning your abundant thriving practice ritual.
Group Healing offered in service to the public
with your group
Sunday 15 December, 5-6.30pm UK time
Optional follow-up meeting
with Susan Gash and your group
Saturday 25 January 2025, 5-7pm UK time
Integration and Practice
In-between the pillar meetings, there will be practice sessions, reports, and reflection, approximately 4-6 hours a month which are additional hours you will need to dedicate in your own time.
The team
Susan Gash is the Director of the Spirit Doctor Team Practitioner Programme. She has a small but mighty team alongside her to support you on this eight-month journey...

We will not be recording these modules.
One of the unique aspects of the College's online courses is that they are highly interactive. Participants are encouraged to discuss and share with the tutor and the group. These sharings can be very personal, and some may not feel comfortable with them being recorded.
It is important that you attend every session. If you do miss any sessions, you will need to arrange a private session with Susan or her assistant to catch up on the missed work. The cost of this is £150 for each catch up session and is not included in the course.
Previous participants say:
"Susan is a wonderful sensitive teacher with a deep and profound connection to the spirit world. She guided us warmly through this transformative course and held the space for all of us to feel the presence of the Spirit Doctor Team, to deepen our trust and to encourage us to do the work. Thank you Susan for this opportunity."
"I loved this programme, Susan has such a calm and supportive style. The group healing session was such a celebration of our year. It worked really well on Zoom. I was also very grateful to be able to go on Susan's retreat and meet some of the team in person. It did bring a different dimension to the healing."
"It was EXCELLENT - with ongoing support..."
"Susan Gash is an amazing person and it is pure joy to be in her class. She is kind and open and creates a wonderful space for everyone to participate and work with the Spirit Doctors. It is my second time taking the class and each time, I take so much from the healing and loving energy. Highly recommend!"
"My course was wonderful. If I'd had any expectations, they were exceeded."
"I am so grateful to have been part of this incredible journey with Susan and the Spirit Doctors. The course has truly been a unique and life changing experience. I look forward to continuing to work with the Spirit Doctors and the Spirit World."
Course Schedule
There are 9 sessions for this course
1 | Saturday 18th May 2024 | 5:00pm - 8:00pm |
2 | Sunday 19th May 2024 | 5:00pm - 8:00pm |
3 | Saturday 15th June 2024 | 5:00pm - 8:00pm |
4 | Saturday 20th July 2024 | 5:00pm - 8:00pm |
5 | Saturday 17th August 2024 | 5:00pm - 8:00pm |
6 | Saturday 14th September 2024 | 5:00pm - 8:00pm |
7 | Saturday 12th October 2024 | 5:00pm - 8:00pm |
8 | Saturday 16th November 2024 | 5:00pm - 8:00pm |
9 | Saturday 14th December 2024 | 5:00pm - 8:00pm |
This course will be live in our online classroom
All you need to take part is a good internet connection and a computer with a webcam, microphone and Zoom.
On booking this course, you will receive an email with the Zoom link to access it. Remember to check your spam folder if you don't receive this confirmation email in your inbox.
Please use the same link to access each of your course sessions.
Please send us a message if you have any questions. We hope you enjoy the course!
About Susan Gash

Read more about Susan
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Register your interest
This course has already taken place, please register below and we'll let you know when it runs next.