There are many key energy centres in our complex and beautiful body. But the principal chakras, usually given as seven, are situated between the crown of our head and the base of our spine.

This eight-week livestream course explores ways in which our chakras can get blocked by negative emotions. These unhelpful energies lodge in our unconscious and govern our actions and reactions until we become aware of them.

In this course, we will focus in detail on cleansing the chakras. We will examine the root cause of any negative energy they contain and its effect in blocking our own best interests. For each chakra we learn powerful tools to realign the energy and release those blocks.

This is a self-healing course that shows us how we can embrace negative and positive energy in ourselves to release the freedom to love, connect and create.


Your learning process

  • This livestream beginners' course is interactive.
  • You will learn through a blend of explanation, discussion, guided meditation and pair & group work.
  • It is important that you attend all classes and complete all homework where relevant to get the most from this experience.
  • As essential as the topics covered in this course is the process. Through this course, your tutor will be supporting your shift to creative right-brain thinking in order to activate your intuition.


Cleansing the Chakras syllabus:

Each week there will be an exercise to practice daily and observe its effects until the following week.

Week 1 | Grounding the body's roots: Overcoming fear and anxiety

  • We explore the causes and effects of imbalances in the root chakra and learn powerful methods to resolve issues.

Week 2 | Your beautiful unconscious: The power of your Sacral Chakra

  • We learn how the energy of the sacral chakra is manifested and how to embrace it, releasing blocks, so that we can use its energy to enhance our lives.

Week 3 | Clearing your way forward: the Solar Plexus

  • How we see ourselves in relation to others and the world around us. Exploring the barriers to believing in what we have to offer.
  • Getting comfortable with our physical shape and form.

Week 4 | Connection and comprehension: Feeding the Heart Chakra

  • Beliefs that block our hearts and limit its energy.
  • Finding balance in the heart.
  • The power of that energy unleashed on ourselves and on our relationships.

Week 5 | Designing the way forward: Desire expressed

  • The throat chakra connects with the messages of our higher self, expressing itself to subtly it can be easy to ignore. But this quiet voice is a delightful path to personal happiness. We explore how to hear ourselves speak.

Week 6 | Tuning in: Understanding our mission

  • The brow chakra is the voice of our higher selves, of what we were born to see. Clearing the negative energy we store at different levels of our being, and which by now we have learned to recognise and clear, helps us to recognize this voice and our brow chakra can guide us forward on that mission which is the full expression of our strengths.

Week 7 | The Crown Chakra: Exploring authority: What are we looking for?

  • The crown chakra relates to energy at the edge of even our unconscious being, even though it is central to our existence. How we perceive authority depends on pre-conscious influences but affects our whole lives until we learn to come to terms with it. Powerful assistance comes from submission to authority, which we may have learned unconsciously to block. Blockage can reinforce our sense of isolation and is ultimately self-defeating. We explore how we see authority, what it is and how to relate to it.

Week 8 | Putting it all together: A practice for continual discovery

  • The course concludes with establishing regular practices for going forward and expanding our perspective. Allowing ourselves to use both the negative and the positive we perceive will allow us to navigate beyond self-blocking behaviour and focus our energy with positive purpose.


Entry requirements

  • This course is open to all.
  • To enrol on this course, click 'BOOK NOW'.
  • If it is fully booked, click 'REGISTER INTEREST' for updates.


We will not be recording these classes. One of the unique aspects of the College's online courses is that they are highly interactive. Participants are encouraged to discuss and share with the tutor and the group. These sharings can be very personal, and some may not feel comfortable with them being recorded. If you need to miss any sessions, your tutor will be happy to offer a brief outline of the material covered.


Previous participants say:

"I am happy I attended. I have done a lot of work on the chakras and impact on health the last few years but today I found the missing piece of the jigsaw. Anna is engaging and very inspiring."

"Anna is extremely knowledgeable in her teachings."

"Anna Parkinson is a very skilful healer, and communicator. Thank you!"


Important: The UK switches to Greenwich Mean Time on Sunday 27 October 2024.

For our students in the UK, your digital clocks should adjust automatically. However, if you are joining from outside the UK, please double-check your time zone with the start time of the final four classes in this course. You will need to log in an hour later than the first class.

Course Schedule

There are 8 sessions for this course

1Tuesday 1st October 20247:00pm - 9:00pm
2Tuesday 8th October 20247:00pm - 9:00pm
3Tuesday 15th October 20247:00pm - 9:00pm
4Tuesday 22nd October 20247:00pm - 9:00pm
5Tuesday 29th October 20247:00pm - 9:00pm
6Tuesday 5th November 20247:00pm - 9:00pm
7Tuesday 12th November 20247:00pm - 9:00pm
8Tuesday 19th November 20247:00pm - 9:00pm

This course will be live in our online classroom

All you need to take part is a good internet connection and a computer with a webcam, microphone and Zoom.

On booking this course, you will receive an email with the Zoom link to access it. Remember to check your spam folder if you don't receive this confirmation email in your inbox.

Please use the same link to access each of your course sessions.

Please send us a message if you have any questions. We hope you enjoy the course!

About Anna Parkinson

Image of course leader Anna Parkinson Healer Anna Parkinson was told she had an inoperable brain tumour. She tried every solution until, at last, she found healing. She now shares all she has learnt by writing and teaching.
Read more about Anna

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Register your interest

This course has already taken place, please register below and we'll let you know when it runs next.
