In his late teens, under strange circumstances Sean Jefferson found himself attending development circles for trance mediumship under Iris Ingarfil.
Having graduated in microbiology at Imperial College, Jefferson used his hard-edged scientific training to investigate the 'Western Mystery Tradition' using painting and drawing as the main tool in these investigations.
In order for his work to be seen, Jefferson approached the commercial art world and had success in West End London Galleries, the RA Summer exhibition and international solo exhibitions. Commercial success enabled him to go full time as an artist.
In 2000 he moved to Cornwall to become more fully immersed in what he describes as a deep Celtic spirituality and where he quickly became associated with the Brotherhood of Ruralists, then undergoing a renaissance of interest.
In 2008 Jefferson moved back to his native North Kent, and has continued to progress his work with a major solo exhibition at Messsum's St.James's at Christmas 2020.