My name is Mike Bais, born and raised in the Netherlands and by profession I am physiotherapist, a counselor and a teacher in university for medical and paramedical professions.
I ran my own practice for over 25 years and taught in many schools that educate therapists. My esoteric (spiritual) background comes from the Western Mystery Tradition and the Toledano Kabbalah in particular.
I was trained by Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi in the Toledano Tradition and I run my own Kabbalah groups and give lectures in the Netherlands and abroad for over fifteen years. Especially returning to the UK twice a year to teach in Glastonbury and Hawkwood College, Stroud.
I have written and published two books about Kabbalah in 2019 (A Kabbalistic view on Science) and 2022 (A Kabbalistic view on Science part 2) from my own publishing house (Circle of Avalon Books), as well as Paths on the Tree of Wisdom (Watkins Books, 2024) for beginner and advanced practitioners alike.
I am an ordained priest in the esoteric Christian tradition, leading a mystical church within the lineage called the A.S.A. (Apostolic Succession of Arimathea). Here the Teachings of Christ are central, expressed as universal wisdom and is not limited to any religious structure. Through the A.S.A. the Sacraments are provided and there is a possibility to receive training in the priesthood.
Besides Kabbalah and the A.S.A. I have worked with and taught the mysteries of the Round Table and the Holy Grail being a mythology that provides us with spiritual instruction and inspires the soul in contemporary times. I work with people (companions) who form the Round Table, evolving personally and spiritually through this wisdom.
These three streams of Wisdom have formed my School of the Soul, called Circle of Avalon (circleofavalon.nl), a place for people to connect with these traditions and find guidance on their way.
The Round Table & The Grail: Quest for the Sacred Chalice
Mike Bais
Open to all
Seek your own Holy Grail with King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table in this in-person workshop.