After leaving the United States at the age of 18, I lived and travelled extensively in the Middle East, Africa and Europe before settling in London with my children. For 10 years I ran my own catering company in a recording studio, where my kitchen was a magnet for the artists to come and talk and relax.
While on a computer course my hands would get hot, and after a year of putting them in cold water to relieve them, I was led to The College of Psychic Studies and to the healing course. During and after the healing course I facilitated many lectures and workshops and did various courses for personal, intellectual and psychic development. I also volunteered in the Monday morning healing clinic and led the distant healing group for many years.
In the Monday morning healing clinic more and more people were coming to me who needed spirit release. I followed this up by approaching Sue Allen to teach me on a one to one basis. I am very grateful that Sue agreed and I was privileged to learn and work along side her for two years, until the time came to spread my wings.
Spirit release has been a central theme of my private practice. Combined with my cultural interest and learning from my travels, I have developed my own techniques for working with people of all nationalities, cultures and backgrounds, bringing in very strong and often ancient healing entities to deal with various problems such as psychic attacks, negative cording, spirit and elemental attachments and negative thought forms.
I also clear land and property, from homes to corporate buildings, leading to extensive work in Great Britain and internationally.
I now teach courses at The College of Psychic Studies and conduct classes and workshops across the country. Specialising in grounding and protection, I facilitate and support the foundations of people journeying into their Intuition.
Book a consultation
Martha Brett offers private consultations through the College.
Recognise & Clear Negative Energy
Martha Brett
Learn all you need to know about negative energy in this 8-week livestream foundation course.