I truly believe healing is limitless.
Today, I work as a spiritual healer fulfilling my soul purpose, giving insight and guidance. Utilising my knowledge of Metaphysics I work consciously with my spirit team, with compassion and understanding of the many levels of the body; mind, spirit and emotions; clearing, cleansing and re-energizing the auric field from state and stagnant energy, restoring balance and harmony. My gentle and holistic approach is dynamic and focused which can also bring deep understanding for the client of how their body reflects their issues and belief systems.
This is the journey to my soul purpose –
I grew up in the countryside surrounded by great characters, stories and nature, learning about the earth, elements and seasons, which remains to this day an enormous source of joy, support and inspiration to me.
In my family there are many successful artists within the visual arts including painters, sculptors and writers. From this my love of colour, shape and form led me to study textile design and print for fashion.
Once I had completed my art school training, in my early twenties I went to India for several months to travel, explore and met Swami Premananda. Whilst there I witnessed sacred ceremonies, materializations, bi-location, healing, clairvoyance, trance and talks, often channelled, about spirituality and the Divine. I also met Sai Baba and Father Bede Griffiths.
On my return I continued to work as a textile designer and illustrator. My creative work continued into media and the events industry, organising and producing lavish parties.
I trained with Barbara McGregor of the Usui Rei-ki Network. This training included Metaphysics; how the body communicates, often through injury, illness and dis-ease and how to address it. I practiced within the network which broadened my awareness of healing and opened me up energetically. However, I did not understand how to stop it; hearing peoples' thoughts and feelings at times was unnerving and uncomfortable.
The Mystic Show introduced me to The College of Psychic Studies, where the tutors were able to answer questions and give sensible direction as to how to control these invasive experiences. I studied psychic development at the College for three years, working intuitively, psychically and mediumistically. This also enabled my greater understanding of my many experiences of spirit as a child.
I studied on the College's one year Intensive spiritual healing course, during which time I started working in the College healing clinics. This accumulated in over eight years experience working in clinical practice with the public and spirit and facilitating the distant healing group. I am also an independent external examiner for the College's healing accreditation panel.
My interests and exploration with healing and spirit continue including trance healing and working with the body to explore and release the emotional impact of trauma and depression, in a non-judgemental way empowering the client. A deep soul that is willing to sit with you.
Book a consultation
Lucy Aumonier offers private consultations through the College.