Isabella Javor works in theatre, film & television as an actor. She has been a dedicated researcher of the life and work of Florence Farr since picking up Mary K. Greer's 'Women of the Golden Dawn: Rebels and Priestesses' in Watkins Bookshop in 2012.
In 2017, Isabella produced centenary celebration event 'A Woman's Century', honouring Florence Farr at the Theosophical Society in association with Treadwells Bookshop. She directed 'The Beloved of Hathor' and played Nectoris in 'The Shrine of the Golden Hawk' by Florence Farr & Olivia Shakespear in the candlelit ritual performances of the Egyptian plays for 'A Woman's Century'.
Florence Farr & the Magical Imagination: A Dialogue of Vision
Isabella Javor
Open to all
The 3rd Annual Florence Farr Conference celebrates this extraordinary visionary, dramatist, pioneer of women's rights, and leader of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.