London's most celebrated occult bookstore, The Atlantis Bookshop, has been in Geraldine Beskin's family for more than half its 99 year history. She runs it with her daughter, Bali Beskin, so the tradition continues.
An avid social historian, Geraldine is a wealth of wisdom on all things occult and literary. Her experience with The Atlantis Bookshop means she has at least paged through almost every esoteric and spiritual book published in the past 150 years! An exaggeration, but not much of one! She holds a particular interest in the Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley, Austin Osman Spare and Dion Fortune, and travels the world lecturing on various occult subjects.
Read more about Geraldine in our Tarot Tales with The Atlantis Bookshop's Geraldine Beskin interview