Elizabeth Whiter MHAO MNFSH IIZ ITEC Dip. WSA COSH CMA is a fully qualified and insured animal complementary practitioner and author of The Animal Healer and You Can Heal Your Pet.
She set up the Healing Animals Organisation and Animal Healing Training School in 2005 and has over 800 graduates, including seven vets and a GP who have qualified in the yearly diplomas.
Elizabeth's animal clinic in Sussex specialises in animal and equine healing, diet and nutrition, massage, behaviour and sensory enrichment.
Elizabeth regularly works with and receives referrals from vets, animal rescue centres and charities from around the world and volunteers with her graduates at animal rescue centres in UK, Europe and South America.
Find more about about Elizabeth Whiter's work at www.healinganimals.org.
An Introduction to Animal Healing & Communication
Elizabeth Whiter
Open to all
This 2-part online workshop with renowned animal healer Elizabeth Whiter, will show you how to connect with animals for communication & healing
Foundation in Equine Healing & Communication
Elizabeth Whiter
Open to all
This in-person workshop at an animal sanctuary in Sussex takes you on a healing journey with horses.