Allyson Grey, a conceptual abstract painter and co-founder of CoSM, Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, has long been a mentor and influencer of the contemporary Visionary Art movement. In 1971, in a psychedelic awakening through the guidance of Ram Dass' book Be Here Now, Allyson heard a voice calling her to express in her art an essentialized world view. Chaos, Order & Secret Writing came to artistically symbolize the three essential characteristics of human perception, a minimal yet all-encompassing artistic statement worthy of immersion for a lifetime. Allyson's art is a personal and shared meditation on the structure of thought, life and enlightenment.
Secret Writing, the language of creative expression, is untranslatable and beyond concepts. The symbols were originally drawn by the artist in the early 70's after an intentional LSD journey in which Secret Writing appeared to the artist as clear evidence of God contact. After much practice in automatic writing with infinite characters, the artist chose twenty letters comprising an alphabet with an order. The letter series is sometimes portrayed backwards or in "planned randomness."
In great museums, we see illuminated manuscripts and framed pages in many languages we are unable to read. We still admire and wonder about the text: Might it be sacred, romantic or profane? Language is a magical code between consciousnesses.
Order symbolically portrays the vast vistas of fountain/drains that roil in the Bliss Field of highest consciousness.
Chaos represents Order plus Entropy, beautiful systems, falling apart in "planned randomness." Chaos symbolically describes the material realm of existence.
Since 1975, I have shared a studio and been a partner to the internationally renowned artist, Alex Grey. We are the proud parents of the film actress and artist, Zena Grey.
In addition to being a committed painter and social sculptor, Allyson has edited the first draft of Alex's books, Co-Chief Editor of CoSM Journal of Visionary Culture, volumes 1-11 (now in progress), writer & editor of countless articles and interviews throughout the Grey's partnership.
Allyson is sought after for her open feedback in her long-running blog, Ask Allyson about Art & Life, engaging in conversations relevant to the lives of artists and to all who may be looking for practical observations from a sacred wise woman. On panels and in solo interviews, Allyson represents her view as a spiritual/creative woman. Her favorite topics include: Art as Right Livelihood; Psychedelic Family Business; Everything CoSM; Conscious Conception & Parenting; Relationships; Art School or Not?; Life Transitions; Meditation, Yoga, Piano Practice in your 60's, the Parsha, and more.