Photo of TJ Higgs

TJ Higgs is a renowned psychic medium who has gained recognition through her appearances on the highly successful 'Psychic Private Eyes' series on CBS/Zone Reality. Through this platform, she has dedicated herself to assisting families worldwide in finding solace and closure for their missing or murdered loved ones.

With an extensive presence on television and stage, TJ has showcased her remarkable abilities on shows such as 'The Three Mediums' and 'Colin Fry Live with TJ Higgs' on Living TV. Her presence extends beyond the screen, captivating audiences in live events where she brings forth messages from the spirit realm.

TJ's true passion lies in providing a sense of peace and resolution to those who are grieving for their departed loved ones. She serves as a vessel for spirits to demonstrate their enduring love and care, relaying messages from their "spirit guide" or "soul self." Through these profound connections, TJ offers clarity, confidence, and guidance to help individuals embark on their life paths with renewed purpose.

Private sessions and public events with TJ Higgs leave a lasting impact on attendees, who often describe the presence of light and love that surrounds them during their time with her. With a focus on empowering others, TJ is dedicated to teaching individuals to embrace and develop their innate gifts and abilities. She firmly believes that each person possesses the potential to connect with the spirit realm and strives to educate and inspire others through mediumship demonstrations and teachings in various parts of the world.

TJ conducts workshops and extended events in countries such as Japan, New Zealand, America, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, and wherever her calling takes her. Her mission is to help individuals realise their connection to spirit and live a more present, fulfilling life.

Learn more about TJ Higgs at her website,